Wonderland 222 Update and Things to Come

Wonderland 222 Update and Things to Come
Liisa Roberts
Photographer by day, Planner / notebook designer/paper nerd by night.
First, Andy and I want to say a giant thank you for your support! We have received a tremendous amount of positive feedback during our Wonderland 222 pre-launch. We appreciate you all coming along for the ride as we launched our product right smack in the middle of both of us moving our families to Washington. Andy from Wisconsin and myself from Southern California.
We have been burning the midnight oil tying up loose ends with the functionality of our website, developing our ancillary products and polishing up our branded packaging. This while getting our families adjusted to our new city, the kids to their new schools and our houses all set up. Thanks to you all, the most awesome paper planner and notebook communities around the globe, we have had to order extra supplies of midnight oil! We are a small company with a passion for planners, paper and people and our success depends on your feedback and referrals so thank you so much for sharing the W222 love!

Andy's crew midway to Washington
Liisa and family rollin' up to Washington
The WonderPlanner and WonderNotes have been a long while in the making.. We will say a few years as these were supposed to be 2018 and 2019 books.. Helloooo 2020 better late than never!
These books have tried on various sizes, layouts, design elements, binding types and paper but several years back I met and fell head over heels for Tomoe River Paper. TRP became the one design element that was nonnegotiable.
We scaled back much of the busy design elements in order to maximize space in the A5 size for optimal room to plan, journal, paint, doodle etc. Our books provide light structure but with an open ended design so that the books can easily be customized to suit individual planning styles.
While designing our books, Andy and I traveled looking for leather for notebook covers, attended creative business conferences as well as ADHD conferences (we both happen to be executive function challenged).

We are finally feeling like we are back on our feet have started our initial planning for this next year! We are excited to give you guys a look at what is to come:
A5 Fine Tuning for 2021 Planner
- Remove Bookmarks
- Remove quirky National / World Days ( my sense of humor but in hind sight I think its best to leave those days off)
- Possible multi colored print
- November and December of prior year added (i.e. Nov-Dec 2020 included in 2021 planner)
- Different Color Shades for Notebook and Planner Covers
B6 2021 Planner and Undated Daily
- B6 Undated Daily Notebook release date Q1/Q2
- B6 Dated Weekly WonderPlanner release Q3
- Different Color (undetermined) Shades for Notebook and Planner Covers
Other Products
- A5 and B6 Pencil Boards
- Washi Tape / Stickers
- Limited Notebook Covers
- Clear Covers
- Notecards
- Pens
- Ink

Exploring Wonderland 222 - Mt. Rainier
Andy and I look forward to seeing how you all set up your Planners and Notebooks! We will be putting out YouTube videos talking about each section and showing the two books used together as a hybrid bullet journal system. We will also begin updating our blog so you all get to know our process, see our work space and know us a bit better. Looking forward to Planning Outside the Lines with you all in 2020!
Rebecca Bover on
It’s exciting to see the next iterations of what’s to come. Congratulations and best of luck on your future endeavors.
Andy Panske on
Nicely done!
I want one! when will the 2021 planners be available? and did you really say: no more bookmarks? :(